

I know you guys are talking about me behind me. I don't like your character is like that. If you don't like me, or with my nature, at least you are frank to me. Don't like this! Honestly, I hurt. 
You like the enemies in the blanket! I always move over for you I always want to make your heart happy so no problems here. But what? You actually like this. I was really hurt. Although, maybe I'm misunderstanding. Surely this isn't possible, I've often felt like this. 
I always badmood in the class. I always sit alone in every establishment of the lesson. I've tried to think positive, but couldn't. In essence, all of you have never understood all my feelings now. What a friend?

I was sick to be treated like this. You all don't know, how painful heart I treated this way. To be honest, I see you are good with me, if you are in need of me right? If you're not need me, would you ignore me, and didn't care that I was near you or not. Right?
You don't know what it feels? Sick! Really sick! I can still wait for this. But if kept like this, I would be nothing in the classroom? HAH!?!
Originally you know, I really hurt beyond what you know. I want you to understand each other, but what? Nonsense! Bullshit! There is no single person who understands me except God. I feel, I no longer useful in your eyes. Don't just because I'm a person who quiet, so you can go around with me. Not entirely! I'm not exactly quiet. Satisfied?!?! *broken heart*

I'm sorry. I like this because I do not want to lose my friends.
I LOVE ALL OF YOU, GUYS! #muchlove 

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