
Outpouring of my heart

Before the test I was studying it seriously,so I can answer the questions that will be given by the teacher. I memorize the material,I remember and I kept well within my brain. While I was learning,I see my friends who was playing. They are very relaxed to deal with these tests,even they do not learn or memorize like me. Time to test began,I was ready to answer the questions. I answer these questions one by one,while my friends confused to answer. When I saw the next question,I honestly can not fill it because I did not memorize the passage. Meanwhile,my friends they tried to cheat in order to get perfect grades. Me? There is no desire to cheat. After the test is completed,it turns out that they get a perfect score of my friends who do not learn. As for me?? Scores very poorly. Why is that?? Though I learned. When I know my grades are bad,I really wanted to cry but I held it all. I wanted to vent my frustration, but with whom? I can only be patient, let the god who responded.

God, whether this is my destiny to be like this ???!!
I was very said. I WANT TO CRY and i need someone who can soothe me. I'd leaned my head of his shoulders. 
Did i should give up on my life??
I want to say I REALLY NEED HIM RIGHT NOW !!!! Only he can cure me of this grief.
This incident was so painful. I have never felt this before. I'm sure,if my friends saw this they would say (or maybe,the would sarcastically me. Unknown me) "you are wrong yourself! Why do not you learn? You can not blame us for granted!"
I would reply "I'm not mistaken and i do not blame my friends. What you do not see jut now? I'm learning very seriously,you know?"

If the readers experienced something like me,i have a little message for you "Don't be afraid to fight the mistakes that we did not do. Always learn from mistakes,and do not be discouraged if we always get bad scores,because of the bad that we get it our own work isn't the result of cheating work friends. So,be patient and always fighting. Trust me,if we can do it !!!"

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