
promosi !!

Bro bro bro !!
Apa kabar kalian para blogners???
Baik?? Alhamdulillah deh. Gue pengen promosi nih, jadi selain blog yang gue kelola ini,masih ada satu lagi blog yang mesti gue kelola. Banyak kan blog gue?? Oiya pasti, gue kan penerus demi lovato jadi gue harus punya banyak website *loh-_-?
Langsung aja deh yaa. Nih blog gue, lo langsung klik aja nanti langsung ke buka
http://kaniaperdani.blogspot.com jangan lupa jadi member gue yaaa!

Thank you sobat blogners atas partisipasinya. Dan sekarang gue harus pergi, gue... gue udah di panggil sama yang berkuasa .....
Untuk bersihin KAMAR GUE! *emg lo kira gue mau mati!?-_-

Bubyeee :)


Outpouring of my heart

Before the test I was studying it seriously,so I can answer the questions that will be given by the teacher. I memorize the material,I remember and I kept well within my brain. While I was learning,I see my friends who was playing. They are very relaxed to deal with these tests,even they do not learn or memorize like me. Time to test began,I was ready to answer the questions. I answer these questions one by one,while my friends confused to answer. When I saw the next question,I honestly can not fill it because I did not memorize the passage. Meanwhile,my friends they tried to cheat in order to get perfect grades. Me? There is no desire to cheat. After the test is completed,it turns out that they get a perfect score of my friends who do not learn. As for me?? Scores very poorly. Why is that?? Though I learned. When I know my grades are bad,I really wanted to cry but I held it all. I wanted to vent my frustration, but with whom? I can only be patient, let the god who responded.

God, whether this is my destiny to be like this ???!!
I was very said. I WANT TO CRY and i need someone who can soothe me. I'd leaned my head of his shoulders. 
Did i should give up on my life??
I want to say I REALLY NEED HIM RIGHT NOW !!!! Only he can cure me of this grief.
This incident was so painful. I have never felt this before. I'm sure,if my friends saw this they would say (or maybe,the would sarcastically me. Unknown me) "you are wrong yourself! Why do not you learn? You can not blame us for granted!"
I would reply "I'm not mistaken and i do not blame my friends. What you do not see jut now? I'm learning very seriously,you know?"

If the readers experienced something like me,i have a little message for you "Don't be afraid to fight the mistakes that we did not do. Always learn from mistakes,and do not be discouraged if we always get bad scores,because of the bad that we get it our own work isn't the result of cheating work friends. So,be patient and always fighting. Trust me,if we can do it !!!"


some problems, which is very strange

Hai semua!!
Ada yang penggemar justin bieber disini??? Beliebers?? Jika kalian beliebers,tau dong ada apa dengan akun-akun justin? Belakangan ini, akun-akun justin pada menghilang gitu. Nggak tau kemana.
Termasuk akun pacarnya "Selena Gomez" Akun selena gomez yang ask.fm itu juga musnah! Nggak ada sama sekali. Ada yang tau kenapa??
Akun Tumblr justin juga hilang. Temen gue punya Tumblr,tumblr dia itu di follow sama justin dan kata temen gue itu Justin ngeUnfollow dia di Tumblr?! *nyesek*
Justin juga punya personal akun twitter,nama nya @yostratfordboy dan kalian tau apa??? "This page does'nt exist" !!
Kira-kira kemana yaa semua akun Justin bieber??? o.O


Justin Bieber ♥♥♥

Gue mau nge-share nih. Dan kali ini gue mau serius dulu, soalnya kan dari postingan yang dulu2 gue agak bercanda.
Gue sekarang mau berbagi sedikit cerita/fakta tentang fans gue yaitu JUSTIN DREW BIEBER atau biasa dipanggil JUSTIN BIEBER. Sekarang gue mau nge-share foto-foto dia,video,dan sedikit fakta tentang dia. Atau mungkin para beliebers suka bilangnya #bieberfacts,right?

Okay,kita mulai yaa.. Enjoy ;)

- Nama lengkap, Justin Drew Bieber
- Ia lahir tanggal 1 maret 1994 (sekarang berumur 17 tahun)
- Julukannya J-Beebs, Justin, JB, Biebs, Bieber, Beebs, JustinDBiebz dll
- Personal twitter sekarang https://twitter.com/yostratfordboy
- Nama ibunya Pattie Mallette
- Nama ayahnya Jeremy Bieber
- Ayayhnya suka bermain gitar, dan ibunya suka bernyanyi (terutama lagu-lagu dari Boyz II men)
- Neneknya adalah seorang pemain piano yang bagus (nurun ke Justin bieber,dia juga pandai bermain piano)
- Justin suka angka 6
- Justin tidak suka ice cream chocolate (tp bukan berarti dia tidak suka chocolate)
- Justin menyukai rambut wantia ketika wanita bangun tidur, dia bilang "seksi"
- Justin suka wanita yang mempunyai rambut panjang,keriting,berwarna hitam,senyum yang manis.
- Justin takut sama kucing. Karena dia pernah mimpi (waktu masih kecil) hampir dibunuh sama kucing Hahahaha!
- Waktu justin kecil,dia kira seorang ibu melahirkan anaknya melalui "pusar" LOL!
- Justin suka warna PURPLE.
- Ayahnya cerai dengan ibunya ketika justin berumur 2 tahun. Dan sekarang ayahnya menikah lagi,lalu ayahnya mempunyai anak dari istri baru bernama "Jazmyn" biasanya dipanggil "jazzy"
- Justin sangat menyayangi "jazzy"
- Justin memanggil para fans nya "Beliebers, friends, family"
- Dia sangat profektif untuk adiknya "jazzy"
- Dia ingin membeli rumah untuk ibunya,ketika ia pertama kali memperoleh $ 1.000.000
- Dia pertama kali berkencan ketika ia berumur 13thn,dan first kiss berumur 13thn
- Acara tv favorite nya adalah Smallville
- Video game favorite nya adalah 2k nba
- Makanan favorite nya adalah spaghetti
- Dia bisa berbicara bahasa Prancis yang fasih.
- Dia klaustrofobia - takut berada diruang sempit atau tertutup,misalnya di lift,lemari,bahkan dikerubunin banyak orang
- Dia lebih suka Mac atau PC
- Music favorite nya adalah R&B dan Pop
- Seniman favoritenya, Usher,Michael Jackson, BoyzIImen, Stevie wonder.
- Naksir celebrity Beyonce.
- Dia suka minuman yang bervitamin.
- Minuman favoritenya adalah juice jeruk.
- Selain Jazzy (adiknya) dia mempunyai saudara bernama Jaxon
- Dia adalah kidal. (menulis pake tangan kiri)
- Dia bisa bermain gitar,piano,terompet dan drum.
- Dia bilang "jika aku mempunyai pacar yang tidak bisa berenang,dia akan mengajarinya"
- Ia suka krisis kapten (dengan berry)
- Dia bisa menghitung sampai 10 dengan bahasa jerman.
- 2 sahabat terbaiknya adalah Ryan butler, dan Chaz somers
- Ukuran sepatunya adalah 7 and a half
- Dia suka sporty, aktif, menyenangkan, sampai ke gadis-gadis di muka bumi.
- Dia memakai seperti (hansaplas) di jari tangannya. Itu berarti,dia tidak akan melakukan "seks" diluar nikah.
- Dia suka sour patch kids
- His most embarrassing moment is when he broke his foot on stage during a song (he 
stayed and finished the song, didn’t even miss a note! so proud )
- Dia dibesarkan di Canada (Stratford,Ontario)
- He is signed by Usher. Justin Timberlake was reportedly in the running to sign Bieber.
- His label is Island def jam.
- Dia suka bermain sepak bola
- His favorite slang word is “shawty”
- Dia suka taco
-  Tinggi 5'6
- Tinggal di Atlanta,Georgia 
- Momen yang paling memalukan yang Justin alami adalah, mengenakan kemeja putih ketika berkencan dan spaghetti yang ia pesan tumpah dikemejanya
- Teman baik dia selain ryan dab chaz yaitu Christian Beadles yang dia anggap sebagai "adik kecil"
- Relationships: He started dating at 13 years old  and has only had 3 girlfriends, Caitlin Beadles, and 2 other girls whose names he hasn't released. He would date anyone he falls in love with, including a fan.
- Sports: He enjoys hockey, basketball, soccer, and skateboarding.
- Dislikes: Blink-Blink (aka Bling) and Uggs
- Other: He likes sneakers, hoodies, and flat-billed caps. He was discovered by Scott "Scooter" Braun. Usher bought him a range rover for his 16th birthday, he has his license. His album "My World 2.0" topped the charts at No.1 in the U.S.A.
- Favorite Food: Spaghetti Bolognese, grandma makes the best
- Favorite sereal nya adalah Captain Crunch
- Zodiac dia adalah Pisces
- Youtube Account: Kidrauhl
- Pasta gigi favorite dia adalah, Colgate (brushes his teeth in shower) 
- Film favorite, Rocky Series
- Computer Type: Prefers Mac over PC
- GPA: 4.0
- What he likes in a girl: A good smile and pretty eyes and a great personality, and a sense of humor.
- Best Subject: English
- Favorite Shoe Brand: Supra
- Favorite Romantic Movie: The Notebook 
- Dominate Hand: Left
- Pet Peeves: Uggs and big sunglasses and too much makeup he likes natural beauty on girls.
- Dia juga suka cewek yang bisa membuatnya tertawa, yang atletis
- If he looks at you and smiles that means he think your pretty <3
- He thinks brunettes are pretty <3
- He likes girls with a good personality and is not judgmental <3
- He likes girls that have pretty names and dark brown hair. He likes girls who have brown eyes, but it really doesn't matter. Personality is key to winning is heart <3
- Dating: He's only dated one blonde in his life. The other 2 were brunettes. So Justin prefers brunettes, but also will date blondes.
- Favorite Things: He loves girls. Cute catchy names like Alyssa, Jasmine, Caitlin, Erica, Kelly, and Samantha are some name's he likes. But if you make him happy, he'll love you no matter what. He also likes girls who have a good sense of humor and someone who he can just hang out with and never get bored or run out of things to talk about <33333

(+)more facts again coming soon ;) 

Next 2 you - Justin bieber ft Chris Brown

Justin with sean kingston

(+)more video coming soon ;)